Better Looking Long Term Charts

When I originally created TrendWeight, I had only been tracking my own weight for 6-7 weeks and so I didn't spend as much time thinking about what a chart for 6 months or 1 year should look like. But now that there are a few users that have data for a lot longer than my own 9 weeks, I took some time to polish up what charts look like for longer periods of time (3 months, 6 months, etc). At the same time, I also added the option to view 1 year charts or a chart with all your data points since you started (which might be insane after a couple years of logging your weight, I suppose).

Also, if you haven't discovered on your own yet, be aware that on your dashboard you can click on the chart to see a larger view of the chart.

Here are a couple examples of what the new chart styles look like...